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The ULTIMATE Dog Training Tool!

Are you ready for it?


The question that damn near every dog owner is dying to have the answer to.


Think of all the YouTubes you've watched searching for it.


All the facebook group comments you've read and acted on only to be right back to where you started.


You would give a small fortune to whoever could help you discover what is the single most effective dog training tool there is.



I'll take that small fortune now if you don't mind.  Cash only please, no coins.


Every single person who owns a dog already has the greatest tool, they just don't want to use it.


Your mind.




I'll give you a minute to suck your teeth and roll your eyes if that's how you deal with hearing things you don't want to hear.  


It's the simple truth.


While people are busy wasting precious time, (dogs don't live very long lives folks) and trying every collar and harness known to exist, they are missing out on...

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The FIRST Thing To Think About Before Bringing That SECOND Dog Home

I've put in some serious work between my Instagram, Facebook, and my old blog trying to help people make solid decisions when contemplating getting a second dog.


Most of the time I'm talking them out of it.




Read the other article that addresses THAT question HERE.


I'm writing this for those who are bringing that second dog home and nothing is going to change their mind.


With the decision already made the next course of action is to make sure that process goes as well as can be hoped for.  At this point as a teacher, I have to recognize when and where to focus my educational efforts.


First Things First

If a smooth homecoming and integration for the new dog is what you want, then focusing immediately on your FIRST dog is what you need to do ASAP.


The relationship you have with the first dog is going to play a huge role in how that dog deals with the massive disruption to daily life that the addition of a second dog...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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